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1、那一夜,满天繁星,我确定你没有喊我。你为什么不喊我?再远,我都听得见。That night, the sky was full of stars, and I'm sure you didn't call me. Why didn't you call me? No matter how far away, I can hear you.

2、红尘烟雨碎相思。关于优美的小短句Red dust, misty rain and broken acacia. About beautiful short sentences

3、秋天太可爱了呀,秋风一起,连不小心打声喷嚏都是:爱秋!Autumn is so lovely. Autumn wind makes you sneeze carelessly: Love autumn!

4、没有一枚叶子不经风雨的,就是教堂外面的树叶也是一样的,不见得它的阳光就充足些。There is not a leaf that has not weathered the wind and rain, even the leaves outside the church are the same, so it is not necessarily sunny.

5、我一直没明白到底是落叶给了我们伤感,还是多愁善感的我们给了落叶伤感。I have never understood whether the fallen leaves give us sadness, or whether the sentimental ones give us sadness.

6、那一刻,看着这情景,我也是快乐的,叶子是快乐的。At that moment, looking at this scene, I am also happy, and the leaves are happy.

7、在与飞鸟的接触中,叶子也有了飞翔的欲望。其实,所有的飞翔,都迟早要回到地面上……In contact with birds, leaves also have the desire to fly. In fact, all flying will return to the ground sooner or later ...

8、听听大自然的声音,你将会发现,原来一切都是那么的美好。Listen to the sounds of nature, and you will find that everything is so beautiful.

9、秋天到了,金黄的树叶一片片落下来,像一只只黄蝴蝶在空中飘舞,慢慢降落。Autumn is coming, and golden leaves fall down one by one, like yellow butterflies fluttering in the air and landing slowly.

10、辗转轮回,又到树叶飘零的季节,零落破碎,我的天空失去了颜色。Turn round and round, and then to the season when the leaves fall, they are scattered and broken, and my sky loses its color.
